DOT Changes: Oral Fluid Updates (If Finalized)
Online IDInstructor: Colleen Wienhoff, CEO Do you understand Oral Fluid Testing and how it will affect your company? Wienhoff Drug Testing is bringing you a webinar designed to inform you about...
Instructor: Colleen Wienhoff, CEO Do you understand Oral Fluid Testing and how it will affect your company? Wienhoff Drug Testing is bringing you a webinar designed to inform you about...
Instructor: Colleen Wienhoff, CEO of Wienhoff Drug Testing Topic include: Federal & State Rules and Regulations The Role of the TPA (Third Party Administrator) FMCSA Clearinghouse Drug & Alcohol Programs...
Instructor: Melody Paris, Assistant Manager The FMCSA Clearinghouse is a secure online database of commercial driver’s license (CDL) and commercial learner’s permit (CLP) holders’ drug and alcohol program violations. The...
Instructor: Mike Kislia, Operations Manager DOT Mandated This class is designed to help you meet Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance for your company and your own policy requirements. At the...
Instructor: Mike Kislia, Operations Manager DOT Mandated This class is designed to help you meet Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance for your company and your own policy requirements. At the...