Wienhoff Drug Testing is proud to be an authorized workplace dealer of Lifeloc Technologies evidential breath alcohol testing equipment.
Lifeloc Technologies, Inc. is a trusted international provider of precise, reliable, and easy to use portable breath alcohol testing instruments (breathalyzers). Lifeloc’s alcohol testing devices have been manufactured continuously in Colorado since its founding in 1983. All Lifeloc evidential and screening devices for professional use are approved by the U.S. DOT and many other state and international regulatory agencies.
Wienhoff Drug Testing employs three factory-authorized Lifeloc Master Trainers, which allows us to provide the required training in the use of Lifeloc products. Contact us for more information.
For a complete listing of Lifeloc products, click here. For additional information, including pricing on Lifeloc products, training, or to place an order, call Wienhoff Drug Testing at 1-800-376-5693, email us at or use the contact form below.